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A letter to you for 2023

Today I sit back and remember my first attempt at collating the Annual Influences, and I am filled with a renewed sense of appreciation for the practice of Observation. I had the good fortune to be connected with a wonderful tutor, Carol Fogarty, at the very beginning of my study, and I feel; I know, this was a divine arrangement. To be gifted the right teacher is a blessing and their input will forever be with you as you move through the rest of your life. My tutor was able to present vast quantities of complex theory, summarised as a practical tool for finding solutions.

What it is

Feng Shui is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multi-cultural and dynamic study, so to do what they did; strip it back to its basic, foundational and structural teaching, was not only genius, but it was also brave. I connected with that courage of removing distraction and presenting core values. That spoke to me loudly, clearly and with vigour. Taking what Feng Shui had become and retracing its origins to present it instead as exactly what it is, observance, and experimentation. It is a science in pure, un-medicated, non-clinical, un-corporatised, form.

Taking something as complex and varied as Feng Shui and removing the distractions piled in from various sources, allows the simple act of Observation to be the focus and priority. I was invited to connect with Qi/Chi, consider the Yin/Yang oscillations and manifestations, and take into account the quality of Qi dependent on many variables; in comparison to the very stark ‘bad/good’ presentation that is too prevalent in sensationalist forms of this study. These aspects of Holistic Feng Shui were what helped me move past any cultural boundaries and view this as a very human study. We all contain aspects of each other. Humanity has always looked to the stars, the seasons, the weather, the future and the past, regardless of what culture, race or creed we are descended from.

Using your Compass

Inside us all is an internal compass, helping us find our way through the many pathways life delivers. What I have noticed is that it’s not so much the compass we need to be focusing on, but rather the internal landscape that is evident. A compass is only so good to use if you are being observant of your surroundings and navigating through what you see, feel, smell, hear and taste. A compass, the tool at your fingertips, won’t stop you falling off a cliff, or stumbling over a rock, right? Your eyes deliver messages to your brain that tells your body to avoid the potential disaster. And even before we see the potential for a problem we may hear, smell or sense the impending issue. We are sensory beings who have been considerably distanced from this sixth sense of intuition, which is the most valuable of all, as it is the collation of all we can measure and all we can’t.

It’s just a little fix

As I ruminate on the last 14 years of observing my surroundings and utilising Flying Stars knowledge, I see a pattern of ‘righting’ my passage through life. I see the evidence of consistently working towards a goal of harmony that has rippled out into my life. If anyone was imagining what could occur from simply making small changes to their living environment, making a little fix to a ‘problem area’, then they should begin today by experimenting with one sector of their home. This tiny example will inform anyone of the ‘why’ when it comes to energetic manipulation and optimisation of the environments we live in. And that obviously moves forwards from the micro (our bedroom, our home, our property) and into our macro (the suburb we live in, the community we belong to, the country we inhabit).

Holistic Feng Shui is an observance that ‘everything is connected’. This is one of the truest statements you will ever read, speak, know. I hope you’ll find the Annual Influences Guide a source of information that you return to each month in an effort to continue with harmony (or reinstate it) throughout every facet of your life. I have come to view the Bagua diagram as a 3D object, and it’s a diamond. Each sector a facet, each sector having various faces, and the Central Palace having a pointed base that can be thought of as resting deep within the earth below our property. Our anchor point.

Whether you put your home in the middle of the diamond, or your property and surroundings; you are making a choice to observe through the lens of awareness and the potential for solution based choices. I encourage you to persevere, despite the many distractions put in our way, despite countless obstacles that are presented in health, wealth and happiness pathways, to cultivate your practice of Observation and to find your way using your intuition in tandem with this vast ocean of knowledge in Flying Stars Feng Shui.

Movement and progress

Blessings for a prosperous 2023 year of Wood over Water. This represents new growth being nourished by wisdom. Water energy moves gently and naturally towards feeding Wood energy. I feel that it has the potential to be a ‘reset’ year, where what we give will be rewarded with progress. It is also preparation as the Wood we grow this year becomes the tinder for the future endeavours.

How big do you want your flames to reach?

How much fuel will you need to grow?

What are you going to instigate this year and reap in the coming years?

In the Chinese Zodiac, it is the Year of the Rabbit/Hare. How far can you leap? How adept can you be at survival? How fast can you move, how can you fit in with community so you are supported and supporting?

In Numerology it is a 7 year indicating much creative energy and wonderment.

May your lives be filled with wonder, engagement, connection and purpose.


Janette Tibbs

Senior Holistic Feng Shui Practitioner

This year for the first time in many years, I will be holding a gathering for the presentation of The Annual Influences Guide. These will take place on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, and spaces are limited. I may organise another workshop presentation depending on bookings, but for now, I am opening up bookings for The AIG 2023 Presentation on the 28th January, 9am to 11:30am. To secure your place please follow this link.

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